Succulents in a pot

How to Care for Succulents as the Weather Heats Up

Born in raised in Southern California you would think we would be used to the Summer heat but somehow each year we’re taken by surprise the first day the temperature creeps into the triple digits. So what do we do? We pull out our shorts and tanks, rummage into our drawers for the heavy duty sunscreen and head to the pool. But we’re forgetting one thing, our plants! Believe it or not plants (yes, even succulents) can suffer sunburns and heat stress. These types of damage are irreparable and can leave our plants discolored or burned. That’s why before the heat wave hits we need to prepare our plants for what’s to come. Read on and I’ll tell you three simple ways to keep your plants safe when the weather warms up. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t involve lathering up your Aloe with Banana Boat.

Move your plants

If your plants are in pots and lightweight enough to be easily moved the best course of action is move your plants to a shady spot where they are not in direct sunlight the entire day. This will prevent sunburn and is the easiest way to keep your plants happy and healthy.

Cover your plants

If you can’t move ’em, cover ’em. That’s the saying right? For plants that are either too heavy to move or are planted in your garden can be easily covered to protect them from the sun. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. We’ve seen plants covered with sheets or even screens borrowed from the nearest window. As long as most of the plant is covered from direct sunlight you should be A.OK!

Prune your plants

When you notice leaves from your succulent dying out go ahead and remove them. If you leave them they may continue to take in water and ultimately take away from the healthy thriving leaves. Plus, this keeps them looking sharp + tidy!

Remember not all succulents react to sunlight and heat the same. Check in with your plants often and see which ones perform better in direct sunlight. As a rule of thumb, larger succulents will be less sensitive to heat whereas the babies will burn much quicker. Some succulents may even change color when heat stressed and produce a look you may find enticing. Just like us humans, they all look so different and have different reactions to situations which like us makes them each beautiful in their own way.

What’s the weather like where you are now? Let us know if you have any questions about succulents as the seasons change. We’re here to help!

One thought on “How to Care for Succulents as the Weather Heats Up

  1. I placed an order. Took longer than I expected but my string of Pearl’s are the way better then I expected. What a great price also. I ordered 8 of them in 4 inch and 6 inch containers. They are so thick and beautiful. I cant say enough about them. I will definitely order from them again. I’m so very happy with my order.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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