group of green succulents

5 Tips for Caring for Indoor Succulents

one: choose the right pot.

Succulents do not like “wet feet” so it’s important for them to be in a pot with a drainage hole. As an alternative, succulents can be planted in a pot with crushed rocks at the bottom to help with drainage. If you’re a first-time succulent parent, a simple terra cotta pot is a great place to start. Glass containers make for great succulent displays but they make it much harder to keep a succulent happy and healthy. As a rule of thumb, stick with the classics until you’re ready to level up to experienced plant parent!

two: water thoroughly but less frequently.

Contrary to what you think you may know about succulents, succulents do in fact like water. When watering succulents, water the soil directly and thoroughly. Do not mist the leaves and call it a day. Let succulents drain and dry out over the next couple days and then water again. Repeat this cycle: soak, drain, dry.

three: make sure your plant babies are getting plenty of sunlight

Remember I said succulents like water? Well they LOVE sunlight! Most varieties need half to a full day of sunlight. And since were talking indoor succulents, this means they need to be near a window or in a very well sun lit area. If succulents get too much shade they will get the “succa stretch” which means they will grow upwards and unevenly to try to find the light resulting in less than photo worthy plants. Which brings me to my next tip…

four: rotate succulents for even growth

Chances are indoor succulents will not get even light indoors without being rotated. This will lead to–you guessed it, the dreaded succa stretch! To keep succulents “pretty” and even, rotate them every few days after watering them.

five: LOVE those succulents like their your own

Well, they are your own but you know what I mean! Name them, talk to them, play music for them, do all the things. In all seriousness, remember that succulents are living, breathing things and they depend solely on you! Don’t expect them to thrive without a little effort. Pro-Tip: Set a reminder on your phone to water and rotate every few days.

Now get out there and be the best plant parent you can be!

What issues have you ran into while raising succulents? Drop a line below so we can help!

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